International legal advice

Internationalisation, the European Single Market – in an age of globalisation, the economy is shaped by complex interrelationships. Companies in financial distress often face legal questions that are difficult to unravel. Schultze & Braun gives its clients a home advantage – worldwide.

We support German companies with their activities abroad. Where necessary, we actively manage restructuring or insolvency processes or assert the company’s interests in court. In many cases, a rapid and accurate estimate of the risks alone is a valuable decision-making tool for our clients.

Naturally, we also advise and represent non-distressed companies in relation to their cross-border business activities. Dual registration and further qualifications also enable us to act for and actively support clients in other jurisdictions.

Europe Desk

Schultze & Braun plans, structures and coordinates main and secondary insolvency proceedings within the EU. The entry into force of the original EU Insolvency Regulation and the recast regulation in 2015 opened up new scope for action and fresh opportunities. Thanks to our corporate structure and expertise, we are well placed to exploit these opportunities on behalf of our clients.

Outside the EU member states subject to the Insolvency Regulation, we regularly represent German companies undergoing restructuring, as well as insolvency administrators and creditors, regarding the effect of financial distress and insolvency in Germany on their assets and interests in Switzerland, Denmark and Norway. Although the EU Insolvency Regulation does not apply in these countries, we can provide effective support to our clients there as they assert, realise or defend their legal and financial interests.

German legal texts in English

Insolvency Code

(Insolvenzordnung, InsO), Insolvency Code of 5 October 1994 (BGBl. [Federal Law Gazette] I 1994, page 2866), most recently amended by Article 38 of the Act of 12 July 2024 (BGBl. 2024 I no. 234)

Act on the Stabilisation and Restructuring Framework for Businesses

(Unternehmensstabilisierungs- und -restrukturierungsgesetz, StaRUG), as of 22 December 2020 (BGBl. [Federal Law Gazette] I 2020, p. 3256), most recently amended by Article 38 of the Act of 12 July 2024 (BGBl. 2024 I no. 234)


Dr. H. Philipp Esser, LL.M. (Chicago)
Rechtsanwalt (Attorney at Law in Germany), Attorney at Law (New York State)

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